Empowerment and Safety for our LGBTQ+ Neighbors

District 14 is home to pioneering LGBTQ rights organizations, community centers, businesses, artists, and leaders who have fought tirelessly for equality and inclusion. However, despite the remarkable progress, LGBTQ Angelenos still face unacceptable levels of discrimination, violence, and marginalization based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. It is a harsh reality that the queer community, especially LGBTQ youth, remain at disproportionate risk of homelessness, substance abuse, mental health issues, and hate crimes. And as the soon-to-be only openly queer member on the Los Angeles City Council, LGBTQ rights are especially important to Ysabel. That’s why we’re advocating for affordable housing, quality healthcare, mental health resources, youth support services, and public education to combat bigotry and promote understanding.

Representation, Affirmation, and Celebration

Our goal is to restore a voice for the LGBTQ community on the City Council by ensuring our election, as we would put forth the first openly queer councilmember to represent LA’s City Council District 14. Once in office we will:

  • Establish an LGBTQ advisory council to provide direct input on issues impacting the community and ensure their needs are prioritized.
  • Ensure LGBTQ representation in all city commissions, task forces, and decision-making bodies that impact the lives of CD14 residents
  • Work to make public spaces, city services, and community programs more inclusive and welcoming for LGBTQ residents.
  • Allocate funding to support LGBTQ-owned small businesses and entrepreneurship in CD 14.
  • Celebrate outstanding community organizations serving a diverse range of LGBTQ people in our district and bring their leadership to the forefront of policy conversations.
  • Partner with LGBTQ organizations to host community events, Pride celebrations, and educational workshops that uplift LGBTQ+ visibility and leadership.

Advocacy, Service and Support

We will adopt an intersectional lens that recognizes the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals at the intersection of other marginalized identities, such as race, class, and disability. In this, our campaign is committed to building a more just and equitable Los Angeles for all. Our work will:

  • Provide training for LGBTQ shelters in the diverse needs of transitional-age youths, including the need for a range of interim and transitional shelters focusing on workforce development and education programs,
  • Provide legal clinics for LGBTQ asylum seekers and detainees, especially those vulnerable to family rejection,
  • Advocate for streamlined processes for restroom modifications and grant for small businesses to update in-store facilities.
  • Include mandatory DEI training for Metro ambassadors to ensure the safety of LGBTQ individuals on public transit,
  • Explore local neighborhood systems for reporting community concerns and incidents, with a focus on LGBTQ safety,
  • Provide funding for LGBTQ senior residents and propose to codify senior services in the district.

Empowerment and Safety Action Plan

  • Fund and provide city employment assistance and work programs for LGBTQ youth to support professionalization and path to employment. This program would connect participants to jobs with meaningful opportunities for growth — not just dead-end, minimum wage roles,
  • Revitalize and mirror a 2020 NYC LGBTQ+ youth program named the UNITY PROJECT. This project was a citywide commitment to support and empower LGBTQ youths. As many LGBTQ young people in Los Angeles experience discrimination, rejection and mistreatment, the new LA mirroring of the UNITY PROJECT would help them to grow and thrive into adulthood,
  • Offer year-round apprenticeships through our City Council offices in CD14 to LGBTQ youths,
  • Write a bill to establish a commission within the Department of Aging to study and make recommendations to meet the needs of LGBTQ seniors living in Los Angeles. Taking the cue again from our sister city on the East Coast, this committee will analyze the health, housing, financial, psychosocial, community-based services, assisted living and long-term care needs of LGBTQ+ adults and their caregivers,
  • Explore dedicated funding sources such as state funds and Measure H for LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness.

Policy Action Plan References:

California’s equity profile https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality_maps/profile_state/CA

The Source LGBT+ center https://www.thesourcelgbt.org/

GLAAD Los Angeles LGBT center https://glaad.org/tag/los-angeles-lgbt-center

ACLU’s fight for LGBTQ rights https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/how-lgbtq-voices-are-being-erased-in-classrooms-censorship

Heart Mind Haven what does LGBTQIA community need? https://heartmindhaven.org/blog/what-the-lgbtqia-community-needs

Equal Rights Amendment FAQ https://www.equalrightsamendment.org/faq

LA LGBT Center employment assistance https://lalgbtcenter.org/services/youth-services/employment-assistance/

NYC Unity Project, LGBTQ Youth https://growingupnyc.cityofnewyork.us/generationnyc/topics/lgbtq/#peer-&-professional-support

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