
Tackling the homelessness crisis

In one of the richest cities in the richest country in the history of the planet, there is no reason that anyone should be sleeping in their car, or worried about getting evicted from their home. Safe and dignified housing is a human right.

Advancing a Housing First Model
We will partner with city services, county and state agencies, mutual aid providers, and other stakeholders to supply permanent housing without unrealistic preconditions to people acquiring shelter. These include:

Increase Supportive Housing Supply & Resources
Supportive housing is a combination of affordable housing and on-site support services that help people with complex challenges, such chronic mental and physical illness and substance use disorder. This evidence-based, best practice model provides formerly unhoused people stability, autonomy, and dignity while they recover from social and economic setbacks. Our policy includes:

Strengthen Homelessness Prevention Efforts
Our guiding principle for affordable housing applies here as well, evidenced by a robust eviction prevention program, including legal aid, rental assistance, and landlord-tenant mediation, and aided by modern data gathering strategies. More specifically, our vision includes:

Empower Previously Unsheltered People with Lived Experiences
We value community members who have had the experience of living on the streets, under a bridge overpass, an abandoned building, or a neglected parking lot. We want to learn from their experience and take lessons from their life narrative. This work includes:

Create Public Health Solutions to a Public Health Crisis
We believe that we can address any public health or safety concerns that arise when so many of our neighbors are living on the streets, while working diligently to bring them inside and off the streets. All constituents, housed and unhoused, suffer when our sidewalks are impassable and unclean. To address these public health challenges, we need programs, policies, and infrastructure that create sustainable solutions, not ones that sweep people from one neighborhood to another. These include:

Shelter the Houseless Action Plan

Policy Action Plan Resources & References:

The Los Angeles Community Action Network https://cangress.org/
Coalition for the Homeless https://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/proven-solutions/#:~:text=Proven%20housing%2Dbased%20policies%20include,the%20family's%20income%20over%20time.
Social Justice Partners LA https://www.sjpla.org/team-and-board1/eric-ares
United Way of Greater Los Angeles https://unitedwayla.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8oSKXSouR0q0DoaV6ipxA8cIqxorECBHZ5FezcePyIvMAeZhqP1ut8aAg4IEALw_wcB
All-In Cities policy toolkit https://allincities.org/toolkit
Reducing Poverty Without Community Displacement https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Indicators-of-inclusive-prosperity_final2.pdf
Legislation of Interest to the National Alliance to End Homelessness https://endhomelessness.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/July2023_LegislativePriorities.pdf
Mayor Karen Bass: Inside Safe Effort launched in southern LA https://mayor.lacity.gov/news/inside-safe-effort-launched-south-los-angeles
Nithya Raman CD4 homelessness initiative https://cd4.lacity.gov/initiative/homelessness/
LA Times’ guide to Cal Senate candidates’ views of housing and homelessness https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-02-27/2024-california-election-porter-schiff-lee-garvey-senate-housing-homelessness